Posts tagged CrossFit
Episode 54: Evan Peikon on Advancing Concurrent Training with Limiting Systems

Common knowledge has it, you shouldn’t train for ultra marathons at the same time that you train the snatch and the clean and jerk. Common knowledge has it, if you try to build strength, you shouldn’t also try to build your endurance. But Evan Peikon of Training Think Tank has it, common knowledge is wrong. 

This isn’t the first time in history that common knowledge has been off base.People used to think the body was made up of four “humors”, for example. And that lead to medical bloodletting: a wasteful, ghastly, and, by today’s measures, horrifically misguided procedure.

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Episode 31: James Hoffmann on Volume Landmarks for Sport

James Hoffmann, who holds a PhD in Sports Physiology, is a consultant for Renaissance Periodization. Jame's contributions to the field of exercise science have had a notable impact on our education in, and programming for, sports performance.

In Episode 31, James joins us to discuss volume landmarks of training in the context of field sports and of CrossFit. When training multiple fitness characteristics concurrently…

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Episode 29: Markers of Performance

In Episode 29 of the Strength Ratio Podcast, we discuss how you can both qualitatively and quantitively measure performance over time so as to gauge the effectiveness of your training. We also offer practical programming benchmarks for weightlifters, powerlifters and Crossfitters in the context of a competitive macrocycle.

Lastly, we provide metrics you can use to increase the efficacy of a nutritional plan across body composition goals.

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Episode 21: Thoughts on Muscular Symmetry

In episode twenty-one of the Strength Ratio Podcast, we discuss muscular symmetry for strength sports, fitness sports, and endurance sports. We first reference science-based literature on the topic, which is currently inconclusive in finding correlations between symmetry and a decreased probability of injury. In doing so, our hope is to reduce fear around asymmetry, especially when it is subtle. In his article, "How Important is Muscular Symmetry for Strength Sports?" author Greg Nuckols states, "our bodies aren't symmetrical, so we don't lift things symmetrically." 

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Episode 10: Cardiovascular Adaptations Part 2

In this episode, we continue our discussion pertaining to cardiovascular adaptations of endurance sports and of CrossFit. This podcast discusses the physiology of the oxidative system, how to train it, and how it supports the anaerobic systems.

Then, we discuss the respiratory system, and how it adjusts during exercises to ensure oxygen delivery and the removal of carbon dioxide.

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Episode 9: Cardiovascular Adaptations Part 1

In this episode, we discuss cardiovascular adaptations of endurance sports and of CrossFit. We begin with a thorough, yet easy to digest, explanation of the body's bioenergetics, known also as metabolism. We break down bioenergetics into three systems: Creatine Phosphate, Anaerobic Glycolysis, and Oxidative Phosphorylation.

Next, we provide further insight into each category’s respective…

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Episode 7 - CrossFit Mini-Camp Interview

Our "Concurrent Training" series was put on hold this week, as we interviewed three of our competitive CrossFit Athletes. Natalie Allport, Grace Lilley, and Harrison Bell were all in town for a mini-training camp leading up to the CrossFit Open.

Natalie is a former Pro-Snowboarder turned CrossFit athlete from Canada, and Grace, a Nationally Competitive Weightlifter from the UK, placed 9th in the Meridian Regional, alongside her boyfriend, and "Espirit De Corps CrossFit" team-mate, Harrison.

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Episode 3 - Foundational vs. Advanced Fitness Characteristics

In this episode, we discuss both biological and training age considerations for an athlete, how to train genetic "freaks", and how CrossFit athletes can periodize their training around the Open. Make sure to send us any questions you have through Instagram (strengthratio) or Facebook (Strength Ratio LLC). 

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