Posts tagged Training Phases
Episode 54: Evan Peikon on Advancing Concurrent Training with Limiting Systems

Common knowledge has it, you shouldn’t train for ultra marathons at the same time that you train the snatch and the clean and jerk. Common knowledge has it, if you try to build strength, you shouldn’t also try to build your endurance. But Evan Peikon of Training Think Tank has it, common knowledge is wrong. 

This isn’t the first time in history that common knowledge has been off base.People used to think the body was made up of four “humors”, for example. And that lead to medical bloodletting: a wasteful, ghastly, and, by today’s measures, horrifically misguided procedure.

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Episode 8: Periodization for Strength

In this episode, we highlight the origins, theory, and distinct training phases of periodization for strength adaptations, as it was popularized in Soviet Russia. In doing so, we provide context for whom, and for how long, this traditional model may work.

We then discuss how one can blend the general characteristics of periodization simultaneously, including general physical preparedness, hypertrophy, strength, power and taper…

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