Posts tagged Cardiovascular Training
Episode 34: Alex Harrison - A Journey from Power To Endurance

Episode 34 of the Strength Ratio Podcast features yet another team member of Renaissance Periodization, Alex Harrison. Alex received his Ph.D in Sports Performance from East Tennessee State University.

As an Olympic Hopeful in bobsled, Alex had trained many years for improved power. In fact, if you look through his social media, you'll see mesmerizing vertical jump abilities, as well as highly impressive numbers in the power clean, power snatch and push press.

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Episode 11: ABC Model of Sustainable Training

In this podcast, we share how we program for both strength and conditioning, concurrently. Our ABC Model creates a framework of exercise selection and exercise intensities that help our athletes improve performance, and regulate fatigue over time. Grab a pen and paper for this one; you may want to take notes!

Make sure to send us any questions you have through Instagram (strengthratio) or Facebook (Strength Ratio LLC).

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Episode 10: Cardiovascular Adaptations Part 2

In this episode, we continue our discussion pertaining to cardiovascular adaptations of endurance sports and of CrossFit. This podcast discusses the physiology of the oxidative system, how to train it, and how it supports the anaerobic systems.

Then, we discuss the respiratory system, and how it adjusts during exercises to ensure oxygen delivery and the removal of carbon dioxide.

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Episode 9: Cardiovascular Adaptations Part 1

In this episode, we discuss cardiovascular adaptations of endurance sports and of CrossFit. We begin with a thorough, yet easy to digest, explanation of the body's bioenergetics, known also as metabolism. We break down bioenergetics into three systems: Creatine Phosphate, Anaerobic Glycolysis, and Oxidative Phosphorylation.

Next, we provide further insight into each category’s respective…

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