Posts tagged CrossFit Athletes
Episode 54: Evan Peikon on Advancing Concurrent Training with Limiting Systems

Common knowledge has it, you shouldn’t train for ultra marathons at the same time that you train the snatch and the clean and jerk. Common knowledge has it, if you try to build strength, you shouldn’t also try to build your endurance. But Evan Peikon of Training Think Tank has it, common knowledge is wrong. 

This isn’t the first time in history that common knowledge has been off base.People used to think the body was made up of four “humors”, for example. And that lead to medical bloodletting: a wasteful, ghastly, and, by today’s measures, horrifically misguided procedure.

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Episode 42: Alex Harrison on Concurrent Training (Part 2) and HIIT "High Intensity Interval Training"

Alex Harrison, Science Consultant of Renaissance Periodization, joins us again to discuss Concurrent Training. Alex references the graph below, from the symposium review “Concurrent exercise training: do opposites distract?” by Coffey and Hawley, to explain the interference effect for both trained, and untrained populations.

Our topic then turns to HIIT “High Intensity Interval Training” for both endurance athletes and for CrossFit athletes.

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Episode 7 - CrossFit Mini-Camp Interview

Our "Concurrent Training" series was put on hold this week, as we interviewed three of our competitive CrossFit Athletes. Natalie Allport, Grace Lilley, and Harrison Bell were all in town for a mini-training camp leading up to the CrossFit Open.

Natalie is a former Pro-Snowboarder turned CrossFit athlete from Canada, and Grace, a Nationally Competitive Weightlifter from the UK, placed 9th in the Meridian Regional, alongside her boyfriend, and "Espirit De Corps CrossFit" team-mate, Harrison.

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