Episode 33: Jacob Reed on Athlete Monitoring

Episode 33 of the Strength Ratio Podcast features another team member of Renaissance Periodization, Jacob Reed. Alongside his peers, Dr. James Hoffmann (Episode 31) and Dr. Mike Israetel (Episode 18), Jacob received his Ph.D in Sports Performance from East Tennessee State University.

In this episode, Jacob joins us to discuss athlete monitoring. Like the App Store, Jacob creates a list of the “Top Paid” and the “Top Free” ways to monitor progress and biofeedback. 

This list includes an evaluation of products from companies such as Polar, Garmin, and Fitbit. It also involves information about non-purchasable monitoring methods, such as athlete questionnaires and daily rate of perceived exertions. 

Jacob also mentions how this data can be used in excess, and that when best understood, the data simply helps us make better training decisions. It is not used to replace the training process or the coach-athlete relationship.