They’re lifelong devotees of sport, voracious consumers of peer-reviewed research, and mentors invested in each of their athletes as a whole. They live Strength Ratio’s values and beliefs, they breathe Strength Ratio’s mission. They’re our coaches— and Strength Ratio wouldn’t exist without them.
Zach Greenwald
Zach is a Strength Coach and Corrective Exercise Specialist with seven years of coaching experience. He is the founder of Strength Ratio, and his clients have included professional GRID athletes, CrossFit Regional athletes, and National Champions in Olympic Weightlifting. Through his programming and coaching, he has resolved shoulder, hip, back, and knee pain for those and many other Strength Ratio clients. Zach has earned a Bachelors of Arts in Exercise and Sport Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Becca Lee
Becca brings a diverse background of experience and expertise to her work as a performance coach. After many years working as a guide in the outdoors and more recently as a massage therapist, Becca's professional focus has been on helping to improve athletes' strength and conditioning through corrective exercises and functional strength. Becca is a USAW Sports Performance Coach, a licensed massage therapist and competes in weightlifting when she has the opportunity.
Kyle Clechenko
Kyle brings a combination of his six years of experience as a strength & conditioning coach and his business skills to the Strength Ratio team. Kyle's passion lies in helping people become stronger and better conditioned. He is particularly driven to help young athletes avoid injury while becoming more competitive. He began coaching athletes at the University of Iowa, where he worked as a personal trainer. He then went on to acquire his CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning).
Toby Williamson
Toby is a Strength and Conditioning Coach from the UK. With a background in Sports Performance, he has worked with a wide variety of athletes, from elite level team sports to individuals looking to alleviate pain and become the best version of themselves. Since completing a BSc in Strength and Conditioning Sciences, he has specialised in youth performance and his passion lies in delivering training that allows you to perform optimally come game day.